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My Old Friend Insomnia | A Poem

Physically exhausted So why is my brain still running at high speed My old friend insomnia showed up once again But she barged her way in with such force There … Continue Reading My Old Friend Insomnia | A Poem

Still Searching & Hoping For Stability With My Own Mental Health

*Note: Please be advised that there is a trigger warning section of this post. It involves my own personal political views regarding the current President of the United States. Some readers might find my thoughts and opinions triggering or even angering. These are my beliefs and I am entitled to having my own opinion as well as you are. Please do not leave hateful or threatening comments. If you do not like what I have to say simply exit out of this post and move on. Unfollow if you feel the need. Thank you in advance. – Samantha

Thoughts from an Insomniac

Today is day two of some bothersome insomnia. It is said that about 25 percent of Americans suffer from acute insomnia and that 75 percent of those cases clear up on their own without an issue after a maximum of three months. However, I am more of a chronic case since I typically have insomnia that has lasted more than at least three nights a week for longer than a three month period. In my case, I have been dealing with insomnia issues for as long as I can remember.

Autumn: My Favorite Time of The Year

Autumn is hands down my favorite time of the year. The weather gets cooler in Pennsylvania, the leaves start to turn beautiful colors before gliding to the ground, it’s hoodie weather, plus, let’s not forget Halloween! I am also one of those pumpkin spice coffee lovers as well! I just love the Fall season! I hate summer even though I am a Leo; a summer baby.

Trying To Be Optimistic While Feeling Pessimistic

It is hard to really decipher how I am feeling. I’m up and down, high and low. If someone were to ask me how I was feeling, I would probably have to shrug my shoulders and then laugh and cry at the same time. I am trying to look at things from an optimistic viewpoint while feeling pessimistic and unsure about almost everything in life. I keep wondering if I am good enough… at anything.

Facebook Event For Release of “My Bipolar Mind: You’re Not Alone”

I was finally able to create a public event on Facebook for the release of my first book My Bipolar Mind: You’re not alone. I would greatly appreciate anyone who is willing to check out the event and share it on their timeline on FB. The more shares I get, the better the chances of me getting noticed.

In A Fog This Morning

I can’t seem to get my brain to function right this morning. I feel like I am trapped inside a thick fog and can’t navigate my way around. Perhaps this has something to do with only getting two hours of sleep. I even took all my nighttime meds and was still unable to stay dreamland. (Continue Reading)

Craving The Good Days

Guest Post by Brittney D. Herz:

She’s upstairs again. Screaming into the air and wishing so much hatred down on me because I wouldn’t let her watch television this morning. We did so good yesterday, I think to myself as her screams are punctuated by her throwing books across her room. (Continue Reading)

Feeling The Rush…

Yesterday was an excellent day for me. I was and still am in a very good mood. Yet, part of me is worried that this feeling is going to crash at any minute and my depression will return. But I am trying to not think like that because I want to really enjoy this happy feeling. It is also slightly euphoric. I am not sure if it is getting ready to turn into a manic episode. Who knows, maybe it is already one! (Continue Reading…)